02 4390 0849


4 stars

    Everyone Loves a Pizza & We Make'em Good!

    Pizza is not all that we do, you can enjoy Pasta, Steak, BBQ Spare Ribs, Seafood & Chicken.

    Our friendly and enthusiastic staff ensures that every customer receives
    personalised service and an enjoyable dining experience
    Locally owned and operated the Pizza Pit supports its local community groups such as sponsorship
    of a children's football team and donated catering for Camp Breakaway, just to name a couple.

    Pizza Pit started in 1972 in Lane Cove. Moved to Budgewoi in 1980 where we have been ever since.

    Did you know that the Pizza Pit wouldn't exist today if it was not for the hard work and perseverance
    of Henny Stadhouder and her late sister Ria Orie, together they started in Lane Cove in 1972.

    Being the first pizza shop in the area, business thrived and moved to a larger premise in 1975.

    The Pizza Pit was sold in 1979 but the name was not.

    Good Friday of 1980, Pizza Pit reopened in Budgewoi and was again the first pizza shop in that region.
    Just as the business grew in Lane Cove, Pizza Pit Budgewoi needed to be relocated to its current
    position in September 1985.

    Many years on with lots of Pizza's made the Pizza Pit still retains that family feel to it. Henny still makes
    the best pizza but her son Dean & wife Sarah are also pretty good.

    Chef Joshua heads up the kitchen

    We're grateful for our loyal customers, some of which have been around since the 70's  .


    March 2013. Sarah are Dean are now married. Pizza Pit has undergone a full kitchen refurbishment.

    As of 24/10/2014 Pizza Pit's opening hours will be the following:

    Tuesday to Friday 4pm till 10pm
    Saturday & Sunday 12pm to 10pm

    December 2014. Sarah & Dean are proud parents of their 1st baby boy Micaiah.

    We look forward to serving you

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